Know that the repetition of the âyah فبأيّ الآءِ رَبِّكُما تُكَذِّبانِ1 at the pauses in the âyahs of the surah Ar-Rahmân pointing out different takwînî âyahs indicates that most of the disobedience of man and jinn and their greatest kufr and most severe rebellion arise from not seeing the act of giving ni’mah within the ni’mah, ghaflah about the One Who gives ni’mah (Mun’im) and attributing ni’mahs to causes and random coincidence. So much so that man and jinn become the deniers of the favours and kindness of Allah. Therefore, a mu’min should say Bismillah at the beginning of all the ni’mahs that were meant for him; that is, “I take these ni’mahs in the name of Allah and on His behalf, not on behalf of the intermediaries; therefore, shukr and gratitude belong to Him.”
1 (So, O jinn and men, which of your Rabb’s favours will both of you deny?)